Awards for Photographic Merit
Welcome to the awards section of the KCPA website, where you will find information on how to go about applying for a PAGB distinction.
PAGB APM Adjudications
PAGB Adjudications are hosted by Photographic Federations affiliated to the PAGB, such as the KCPA. Two open Adjudications are held each year in April and November. The dates of the Adjudications and associated hosting Federations are listed in Appendix 1 of PAGB APM Leaflet No. 3; available on website.
The PAGB have traditionally had three levels of Award, Credit, Distinction and Masters [CPAGB, DPAGB, MPAGB], in still photography [prints or Projected Digital Images (PDIs)] and Audio Visuals [AVs]. From 2023 the PAGB have introduced a further two levels of Award in Print Photography only; Badge and Excellence [BPAGB and EPAGB]. Badge was introduced to encourage photographers to begin their distinctions journey while Excellence is seen as a stepping stone towards Master.
Applicants are advised to apply initially for the lowest level of Award [BPAGB or CPAGB] and progress through the levels as their photographic skills evolve.
For Credit, ten Prints or PDIs are required in an open category at ‘Good Club Standard’, Badge entries require seven images of the same standard as Credit. Successful images at Badge or Credit can be re-used in a higher level of Award but may well receive a lower vote.
Distinction and Excellence require 15 images of ’Exhibition Standard’, but images used for a DPAGB cannot be re-used for an EPAGB.
Master requires 20 images of the very highest standard.
APMs are open to any member of a Photographic Club/Society affiliated to a recognised PAGB Federation, such as the KCPA.
AV APM are available at CPAGB/AV, DPAGB/AV and MPAGB/AV levels. Typically, at CPAGB level the organisers require an AV sequence of between 6 and 9 minutes. Aspect ratio is at the discretion of the applicant. The photographic standard is lower than the equivalent still photography entry although some of the images should be of a similar standard. DPAGB/AV requires two or more sequences with a total running time of between 9 and 12 minutes and MPAGB three or more sequences of between 15 and 20 minutes. The use of photo-harmony is encouraged where the emphasis is on colour, tone or graphic design. Adjudications are typically once a year but this may vary with demand. See PAGB APM Leaflet No. 4 on ‘the PAGB’ website for further details.
Role of Federation in PAGB APMs
Apart from periodically hosting PAGB APM Adjudications, Photographic Federations act as gatekeepers for the PAGB by ensuring that applicants are bone fide members of Affiliated clubs and have served the qualifying periods as members as follows:
- BPAGB / CPAGB 2 years
- DPAGB / EPAGB 3 years
- MPAGB 5 years plus DPAGB held for at least 11 months.
Further information on PAGB Distinctions can be found here
Thus, in the Application process, entrants are initially required to apply through their respective Federation Awards Officer by filling in and submitting a countersigned Federation Application Form together with a stamped self-addressed Envelope.
On acceptance of the Application Form the Federation Awards Officer will send back a semi-completed PAGB APM Application Form which the applicant will need to countersign and then send to the PAGB Awards Officer, Daphne Hanson DPAGB, APAGB with the Appropriate Remittance.
Any questions please contact KCPA Awards Officer, Alan Cork DPAGB EFIAP PPSA BPE3* LRPS via
On-Line PAGB Advisory Service
The Advice is free and invaluable for any prospective applicant. The now permanent PAGB Advisory Service is administered by David Smith. If you would like advice, such as image selection, for any of the levels of Awards for Photographic Merit in still photography [prints or PDIs] or Audio Visuals [AVs] then write to for assistance, using the link below.
After Achieving your PAGB Award
If you attend an Open Adjudication, you will be presented with your badge. However, if you cannot attend the Adjudication then the badge will be sent directly to you by post. Your Certificate will however be sent to the KCPA Secretary who will arrange for it to be presented to you at the next KCPA Event.
Recent KCPA APM Successes
Congratulations to the following people;
Aylesford, April 2023
- Jason Boswell Maidstone CC, successful Credit Print
- Philip Hadley CPAGB BPE3* Gateway CC, successful Distinction Print
Bromsgrove, April 2022
- Steve Carroll ARPS Maidstone CC, successful DPAGB Print
- Barrie James Brown Beckenham PS, successful Credit PDI
- Colin Mitchell LRPS Seaford PS, successful Credit PDI
- Richard Paul Winston AFIAP Bexleyheath PS, successful Credit PDI
Newton Abbot, Nov 2021
- Lyn Gregory LRPS Canterbury PS, successful Credit Print
Smethwick, June 2021
- David Godfrey Tonbridge CC, successful DPAGB Print
- Alan Cork LRPS CPAGB, Tonbridge CC, successful DPAGB Print
- Kyle David Tallett CPAGB FRPS BPE1* Ashford PS, successful DPAGB Print
Credit: for resubmissions within 3 years and from the same Associate, the applicant should write directly by letter to the KCPA Distinctions Officer requesting a new Application Form.
Distinction and Master: for resubmissions within 2 years and from the same Associate, the applicant should write directly by letter to the KCPA Distinctions Officer requesting a new Application Form.
For resubmissions outside the time limits specified above, a supporting letter to the KCPA Awards Officer is required from an official of either the new Associate or the existing Associate, whichever is applicable. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope.
For the latest information on the Costs associated with applications for all PAGB APM distinctions, applicants are advised to read PAGB APM Leaflet No. 1 which also contains invaluable information on the Adjudication process.