Ross Cup 2024 Results


It was great to welcome our affiliated club members back to Ditton Community Centre, for the KCPA Ross Cup 2024 competition. The KCPA opened our doors at 1 and let in nearly 90 visitors who came to view all the images that had been entered.

The day started with our audience members looking around the prints that were on the display boards.

KCPA President Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB gave a warm welcome to all before introducing our Judge for the event, Marcus Scott-Taggart.

KCPA President Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB
KCPA President Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB

In total 24 clubs entered this year, resulting in 192 images being judged.

Marcus gave comments on the highest scoring image for each club, before commenting on the Merit Awards.

Merit Award Certificates were handed out. Although it was a shame not all of our winners were there on the day, a club representative collected and will hand over certificates to them.

Merit Award: Jo Court
Merit Award: Jo Court
Merit Award: Phil Burt
Merit Award: Phil Burt
Merit Award: Phil Hadley
Merit Award: Phil Hadley
Merit Award: Steve Carroll
Merit Award: Steve Carroll
Merit Award: Sue Green
Merit Award: Sue Green

The Winner of the Landscape trophy was announced as Factory Buttes by Nicholas Hill FRPS (from Ashford P.S)

The Best Image of the competition went to Ray Bridges LRPS CPAGB ADPS for his image titled Font Reflection, Salisbury Cathedral (from Maidstone C.Club.

Malling P.S were the winning club followed by Ashford P.S both will go on to represent Kent County Photographic Association at the PAGB Print Championships later in the year.

Winning Club: Malling P.S.  Alan Lomakin and judge Marcus Scott-Taggart
Winning Club: Malling P.S. Alan Lomakin and judge Marcus Scott-Taggart

The Most Improved club award went to Crayford, who went from 34th place in 2019 when we last held the competition, to 7th place this year.

Crayford - Most Improved Club
Crayford - Most Improved Club

Thank you to Roger Parker DPAGB for taking and providing the photos of the day.

Full Results & awarded Images can be found in our online catalogue HERE

Tracy Hughes LRPS CPAGB BPE2*

KCPA Immediate Past President & Competition Coordinator