Ross Cup 2024


The annual KCPA inter-club print competition, the Ross Cup, will be held on 28th July at Ditton Community Centre. Doors open at 1pm and the event will last until approximately 6pm. The admission charge is £5 on the door. The following information has gone out to all clubs on 25th April 2024 . Along with entry forms, label templates, and an invitation letter plus poster.

Should you need a copy of these please contact myself Tracy Hughes via      

Dear External competition secretaries.

ROSS CUP 2024 : Call for entries

The KCPA invites your club to take part in this year’s KCPA Ross Cup competition.

Yes its back our annual Print Competition !

Please see here  and attached all the information you will need to enter the KCPA Ross Cup 2024

We hope that your club will enter this competition, and that your members will join us at the event on

28th July at Ditton.

Please would you let me know whether your club intends to join in the competition, and confirm this

email has reached the correct person.. Alternatively please supply us with the name & email address

of the correct person to contact.

Usually we invite our 1st and 2nd place Ross Cup winners to represent the KCPA in the PAGB inter club

print championships in October. But due to no competition last year this year we invite our 1st and 2nd

place winners to go onto the 2024 competition in October 2024, and our 3rd and 4th place winners to

represent us in the 2025 competition in October 2025.

Please therefore be aware if you win the Ross Cup in July you will be expected to have your images

ready for online submission around September,

Should you require any further information or have any questions, please contact myself via or 01634 303540

I very much look forward to receiving your clubs entry.

Kind Regards

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*

KCPA President & Competition Coordinator

Website manager for KCPA