PAGB Inter-Federation 2019 – Results.
Each year images from the KCPA Annual Print & PDI Exhibition images are chosen to represent the KCPA in the PAGB Inter Fed, please find below results for 2019.
The event took place on Saturday 15th June 2019 at Burton on Trent, and I was happy to attend.
Organising Federation: Midland Counties Photographic Federation
Judges :
Open Monochrome Print Competition 2019 –
Sum of top 15 scores
1st MCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation 203
2nd NEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation 198
3rd LCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union 196
= NIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association 196
5th SPF - Scottish Photographic Federation 186
= EAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies 186
7th SCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation 185
= WPF - Welsh Photographic Federation 185
= KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association 185
10th YPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union 184
= WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation 184
12th NCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation 183
= SPA - Surrey Photographic Association 183
14th CACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs 181
15th NWPA - North Wales Photographic Association 180
The KCPA came joint 7th.
I am very proud to announce that Faversham and District member, Ian Smith won the PAGB Gold Medal with his image titled Mystique, this was judged as the Best Image out of all the images entered by all 15 federations.
Well done to him for producing such a superb image, and for our 3 selectors for choosing to put his image forward to represent us in this competition.
KCPA Accepted images :
Keeping Close by Laura Drury Isle of Thanet PS.
Mystique by Ian Smith Faversham & District CC. BEST AWARD
Snow Abstract by Carole Lewis ARPS EFIAP/b Tonbridge CC.
Too Shy by Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2* Malling PS

Open Colour Print Competition 2019 –
Sum of top 15 scores
1st LCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union 213
= NEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation 213
3rd MCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation 209
4th YPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union 204
5th EAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies 202
= SPA - Surrey Photographic Association 202
7th NIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association 201
8th SCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation 200
9th WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation 197
= SPF - Scottish Photographic Federation 197
11th KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association 195
12th NCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation 194
13th WPF - Welsh Photographic Federation 193
= CACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs 193
15th NWPA - North Wales Photographic Association 191
The KCPA came 11th, and had the following images accepted –
Alone With Her Thoughts by Anthony Baines Anthony ARPS CPAGB Ashford P.S.
Beach Swirl by Steve Carroll ARPS Maidstone CC.
Eternal Roses by Eileen Wilkinson ARPS CPAGB AFIAP Herne Bay PC
Old But In Good Working Order by Alan Lomakin CPAGB BPE2*, Malling.
Sadness by Eileen Wilkinson ARPS CPAGB AFIAP Herne Bay PC

OPEN PDI Competition 2019 –
Sum of top 15 scores
1st LCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union 215
2nd MCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation 209
3rd NEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation 207
= WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation 207
5th EAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies 201
6th KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association 197
7th NIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association 196
= SPA - Surrey Photographic Association 196
9th YPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union 194
= SCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation 194
11th NCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation 191
12th CACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs 190
13th WPF - Welsh Photographic Federation 189
= SPF - Scottish Photographic Federation 189
15th NWPA - North Wales Photographic Association 184
The KCPA Came 6th.
Accepted images :
Blowin' in the Wind by Steve Carroll Steve ARPS Maidstone CC.
Dreaming a Dream by Zuzana Valla. Ashford PS
White Gothic by Bowen Baden CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Gateway CC.

Nature PDI Competition 2019-
Sum of top 15 scores
1st LCPU - The Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union 217
2nd WCPF - Western Counties Photographic Federation 209
3rd NEMPF - The North and East Midlands Photographic Federation 208
= MCPF - The Midland Counties Photographic Federation 208
= SCPF - Southern Counties Photographic Federation 208
6th EAF - The East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies 207
7th SPF - Scottish Photographic Federation 203
= SPA - Surrey Photographic Association 203
9th CACC - The Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs 198
10th WPF - Welsh Photographic Federation 196
11th YPU - Yorkshire Photographic Union 194
= KCPA - The Kent County Photographic Association 194
13th NIPA - Northern Ireland Photographic Association 194
14th NCPF - The Northern Counties Photographic Federation 192
15th NWPA - North Wales Photographic Association 189
The KCPA came joint 11th.
Accepted images :
Cheetah and Cubs by Ian Stone DPAGB BPE3* Folkestone CC.
Damselfly Early Morning by Phil Hadley CPAGB BPE2* Gateway CC.

Any questions please email myself via
Once again well done to all those that had images selected to go forward, and thank you to our 3 selectors for choosing the images to go forward from the KCPA Exhibition.
Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE1*
KCPA President
In particular, images that were taken at sporting events did well in the Mono and colour categories. Ballet dancer images also did well.
Previous years results