Records were broken on Saturday 23rd November in Faversham! The largest attendance at a Ross Cup was recorded and the highest number of Clubs entering this competition were very ably judged by Ken Scott ARPS. Three hundred and twelve images from 39 clubs were viewed by the audience, firstly at "close quarters" on display boards and then projected in the the theatre where because of the crowd, extra seating had to be found. The projection was seamless and the Judges comments eloquent, considered and expressive. He told the audience at the start he was looking for images with a connection between the Photographer and the subject, and an image that spoke to him. Overall he commented on 50 with the ones towards the end turning out to be his winners, the intrigue was maintained with the catalogues, listing the results, under lock and key until the very end. The Winners of the Ross Cup 2013 with a score of 148 were Eastbourne Photographic Society

The Winner of the Premier Award and Mick Smithson Shield was Jon Strange from Canterbury Photographic Society with his image entitiled Laura "He's Gone" one that the Judge said would "stay with him for a long time" it touched him with its emotional resonance.
He commented on some of the "wonderful atmospheric landscapes" that he had to choose from finally deciding that Dead Pines, Yellowstone was the Winner of Lakeland Holidays Landscape Trophy, and the photographer was Pat Broad ARPS AFIAP of Eastbourne Photographic Society.

The hall was filled to overflowing and the audience enjoyed an extremely well organised event, seamless projection and skillful organisation when it came to having the Prints ready for collection at the end.
The Chairman of F&D CC Richard Cornelius and the Fantastic Faversham Crew made us all feel so welcome and were responsible for the great organisation of the event in a superb venue, already looking forward to attending the KCPA Diamond Jubilee Competition on Saturday 8th March 2014, which they are hosting too. Gluttons for punishment!!!
Congratulations to all of you. You did a great job for the KCPA.
Below are some of the Merit Award winners being presented with their certificates by President Alan Lomakin. Congraulations to all Award Winners and a big thank you for all the Clubs who entered making it such a prestigious event.
For all the Merit Award Winners details please go to the Gallery to view the images and scores.
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Below is the Associate Placement Table